Le Robin Square

Le Robin Square is one of the top restaurants on Yelp in Montreal and I was excited to try it. People raved about it and I could see why. The entire experience was wonderful, the restaurant was small, but very charming with photos of the family who runs the place on the wall and eclectic decorations all around. We actually spoke to one of the family members as she was helping the wait staff in the front and she was very sweet and helpful. As for the food, the two most recommended things were the Mac and Cheese and the Ultimate Experience. The Mac and Cheese was unusual to say the least. It was cream based, not cheese, and while it took a few bites to get used to the more subtle flavors I was quickly hooked. My one complaint was the fact they gave you a hunk of pork with the Mac and Cheese and while the pork was very good, I would have preferred if it was shredded and mixed with the Mac and Cheese. The Ultimate Experience was delicious which is a pork belly dished with ...